Balancing good design and good business in an architecture practice 

When an architect starts their own practice, they need to balance good design with good business. Archibiz CEO Bec Kempster sat down with four of Australia’s leading small practice architects to discuss how they navigate this tension in their architecture practices. The event, hosted at Brickworks Design Studio in Melbourne, explored some of the challenges that small practice owners face as they try to grow their practices in income and impact.

Does my practice need to win an architecture award?

How important is winning an award to a practice? Architecture awards can bring credibility and awareness to an architecture practice. They can also aid with marketing and recruitment strategies. However, they also require detailed submissions that answer the true question being asked.

What comes first: good architecture or good business?

There have been many good inventions, products and services which were never turned into commercially viable and sustainable businesses. So it is with architecture. Good architects, capable of designing great buildings are languishing in a world of long hours, poor pay and continuous stress. On the other hand, there are architects who are less talented … Continued